Marketing Manager


Our alternative to high-salary in-house teams

The marketing team at ALINEA grew out of client’s frustrations with one too many phone calls from ‘online marketing specialists that could get you to the top of Google’. Unfortunately, these are not the same as an in-house solution. Only being a potential small piece of your marketing pie.

We see marketing as a business growth tool and not just a way to advertise your brand. Our company was founded on a deep curiosity of business, wanting to know exactly how you got to where you are and how we can help get it to where you want it to be in the next 12months.

Our service is not an SEO or social media marketing service, but your very own marketing manager or coordinator.

Build your business to a high value asset whilst dramatically reducing hiring costs.

We begin with thorough research into your markets, finding out when, why and how your customers are purchasing. Because we are not attached to any one service, our solutions fit your customers buying behaviours, reducing advertising costs and increasing sales.

We are marketers, not sales reps.

We are marketing managers and coordinators all in one agency.

What parts of my business can the ALINEA marketing team help me with?

  • Rebranding or brand updates
  • Website update or new site
  • Social media
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Real-time problem solving for current and future projects
  • Creating clear marketing plans
  • Reducing unnecessary advertising spends
  • Creating better communication channels to your clients

Having your entire marketing strategy run by one company will reduce the stress of deciding what you should be doing in an area that isn’t your craft or profession. 

We’re about business growth and minimising unnecessary marketing dollars. The reduced cost can come from not wasting ad spend, paying retainers all-year round on a service you may only need for two months of the year or not paying a 80k plus salary for a full-time staff member. 

Call us today to book in your FREE discovery session, where we look at what you’re currently doing with marketing and advertising and see what you’re actually getting for it…we report on more than just traffic.

How can we help